Tuesday, April 14, 2009

On 28 August, 1963, Martin Luther King delivered his magnificent "I have a dream speech" on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, his dream was much bigger and more far reaching than ours, our dream is self driven, selfish if you like, but it is ours.

We are moving from South Africa to Canada at a time when the world economy is in disarray, the risks of uprooting a good lifestyle for the unknown are high and yet we have made a decision, it is not irreversible but it will happen. We have no family in Canada, no friends, no networks, no credit, no jobs - however within adversity there is strength I have a wonderful partner and she for better or worse has me. Based on our perceptions of the country from two short visits, our skills and attitude we believe we can carve a niche for ourselves.

Our dream is simple, we want some land unhindered by neighbours, a view of the ocean, a little more time together, a little more financial security. We don’t want to lose the ability to appreciate the little things that allow you to get up in the morning and think "wow what a fantastic day". What has this got to do with photography? Not much, but I need to explain the dream based on a perception that kick-started the reality which started the thought processes to a journey which at the very least will be interesting.

We are aware that 0ur dream is based on perceptions from two visits to a country nine time the size of South Africa, yet what we saw we liked, the people we met are different to us yet have a similar value system, a small foundation to base a dream yet it is as good as any that I can think of.

1 comment:

  1. How do you comment when your heart is involved in this.
    This is so beautifully and eloquently written and we share your feelings.
    We loose our daughter and a wonderful son in law.For want of a more eloquent word EINA. We know a lot of thought and soul searching has gone into this move and it's not just a whim.However it is just as hard for us to say goodbye to not a possession but two wonderful people.

    In time to come the possessions you parted with will be good memories and by then you will have aquired many more.

    Willie and Millie
